The Hearthstone Talisman: A Need-Fire Charm of Brighidine Magic
I am truly delighted and honoured to be able to offer my very first magical item available to the public, midwifed during the month of Imbolc 2025.
The Lady with a Mead Cup
In which we discuss sovereignty, prophecy, inspiration, stewardship, and service, as well as the concept of Fire-in-Water and the sacred drink of old tying it all together - and what it means for our right relationships with the Otherworld.
Masterclass Announcement: St Jehanne-des-Fées
In which I am delighted to announce the upcoming release of my very first masterclass…
Magickal Women Conference 2024
A conference announcement for 2024, with details on the lecture I will give as a Speaker.
Joan of Arc as Fairy Saint (?)
In which, dear reader, you will I hope indulge me in this simple idea: what if Joan of Arc saw fairies ?
Arte Glamour
On the topic of glamour magic, a lot has yet to be said. Regarding its ethics - its uses, cultivation and employment - a witch I admired, made of wood and bone, once wrote: “Glamours are the magical equivalent of hallucinogens”. I will expand hereafter.
On the Virtues of Plants & Stones : Some French Folk Customs
What to make of certain wisht plants and stones, according to French cunning craft and folk beliefs.
A Primer on Gallo-Irish Polytheism - Part 3 : “The Gods My People Swear By”
And now we must speak of the Gods Themselves.
A Primer on Gallo-Irish Polytheism - Part 2 : Inside the Nemeton
In which we delve into the practicalities of what informs magico-religious ritual.
A Primer on Gallo-Irish Polytheism -Part 1 : Coming into relationship
In which we discuss what it means when faith calls you home.
[Seasonal Recipe] “Cramaillotte” or Miel de Pissenlit (Dandelion Honey)
Sharing a beloved family recipe.
The Church of the Oak
Thoughts on the devotional practice of Flame Keeping and musings along a pilgrimage to Ireland.
‘These stars to whom none gave their due’: Faery and astrolatry
In which the author fleshes out some of her belief as it pertains the to the stars and their “secret commonwealth”.
Aldebaran as Fairy Knight : On Virtue Challenged, and Face Unblemished
An astrolater’s attempt to understand the Watcher of the East, and one of the Four Royal Stars of Persia.
Ex Flammis, Clarior
A recounting of the author’s magical self initiation into Sabbatic Witchcraft through the Dragon Book of Essex grimoire.