The Lady with a Mead Cup
In which we discuss sovereignty, prophecy, inspiration, stewardship, and service, as well as the concept of Fire-in-Water and the sacred drink of old tying it all together - and what it means for our right relationships with the Otherworld.
Masterclass Announcement: St Jehanne-des-Fées
In which I am delighted to announce the upcoming release of my very first masterclass…
Magickal Women Conference 2024
A conference announcement for 2024, with details on the lecture I will give as a Speaker.
Joan of Arc as Fairy Saint (?)
In which, dear reader, you will I hope indulge me in this simple idea: what if Joan of Arc saw fairies ?
A Primer on Gallo-Irish Polytheism - Part 3 : “The Gods My People Swear By”
And now we must speak of the Gods Themselves.
A Primer on Gallo-Irish Polytheism - Part 2 : Inside the Nemeton
In which we delve into the practicalities of what informs magico-religious ritual.
A Primer on Gallo-Irish Polytheism -Part 1 : Coming into relationship
In which we discuss what it means when faith calls you home.
The Church of the Oak
Thoughts on the devotional practice of Flame Keeping and musings along a pilgrimage to Ireland.
‘These stars to whom none gave their due’: Faery and astrolatry
In which the author fleshes out some of her belief as it pertains the to the stars and their “secret commonwealth”.
Aldebaran as Fairy Knight : On Virtue Challenged, and Face Unblemished
An astrolater’s attempt to understand the Watcher of the East, and one of the Four Royal Stars of Persia.
Notes on Milk & Honey
The work of bees
The mind of women
The coming and going of the tide.