The Hearthstone Talisman - A Need-Fire Charm of Brighidine Magic

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Midwifed during the month of Imbolc 2025 through extensive Brighidine ritual work, the Hearthstone Talisman draws from the old fires we once gathered around to protect ourselves and from the Need-Fire of our mythical Hearth that symbolises community strength, to shield us from the darks of this world. This charm, in its deceptively modest form, is the first of its kind: petitioning the Goddess, it calls upon the transformative and protective qualities of Her Eternal Flame, crafted with utmost care and intention at the crossroads of sorcery and piety. Drawing from Brighidine powers, the talisman captures the essence of the Dawnsinger under Her attributions as Daughter of the Sky, First Fire at the beginning of Men – and a Fire of Inspiration, Healing, and Smithcraft. Ensouled and consecrated under Her auspicious, white-palmed hand, each and every part of this talisman has been imbued with powerful blessings, awaiting on the Goddess’ touch according to Imbolc rites – where Brighid is said to roam the land and visit Her followers. With a total of 19 talismans awaiting their new keepers, this limited batch is not meant to create false scarcity but to honour and respect tradition by mirroring the magical associations of Brighidine Flamekeeping devotional practice - one talisman for every day spent tending Brighid’s flame in a Cill.

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